
This website is a great place for local people to find out what is happening in the local area. We will try to publish as many items of suitable news on the website as resources will allow.

If you have a suitable item of local news that you would like including in this website, please carefully read the instructions below, explaining how to submit your article. The easier you can make it for us, the more likely it will be that we can include your article on the website.

How to Submit the Article
You may use the form on our Contact page to send in your article or use the email address on the contact page.

What Can I Include?

What Format Should the Text be in?
Ideally the text should not be formatted in any way at all i.e. no different size text, no fancy fonts, no tables of data, no indents etc. - the plainer the text, the easier it is for us. This is because text formatted in a word processor or other package will often look a big mess when brought into a web page, which uses different formatting.

It is actually easier for us to add a little formatting to a plain article than it is to undo incorrect formatting. It also helps us to keep a tidy, consistent style throughout the website.

You can simply type your article into the contact form if you wish.

What if I Already Have a Formatted Article e.g. a Word Document?
It is possible to save a copy of the text without any formatting.

e.g. with Microsoft Word:

If you open up this unformatted version you can now cut and paste this into the contact form or paste it into an email.

If you find this all a bit confusing, you can still send us your article in the format that you have it. We will do our best to include it but if we are pushed for time, a badly formatted article will be less likely to be included.

Short Version for the Printed Directory
When possible, we also try to reserve 1 page in the printed directory for Community Announcements. If you would like your item to also be considered for inclusion in the Printed Direcory, please include a short version with your article. This should be approximately 25 words in total and clearly marked: SHORT VERSION.