We are a community based charity encouraging local people to share their time and skills with older members of the community.

We organise social groups in Kingsley and the surrounding areas, as well as fundraising days and a Pilates class. Membership is free as are all services - people benefit from the companionship and knowing there is a contact for them to talk to.

We also have a lending library which helps housebound people - books are delivered to and collected from there home.

For further details phone Susan Ross-Turner on 01829 751398
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or visit our website: www.ash-worthtimebank.org.uk

Wednesday 11am - The Hive, Winsford CW7 3DA

Wednesday 6pm & Friday 9am - The Venue, Rudheath CW9 7JL

Friday 11.30am - Frodsham Community Centre, WA6 7QN

Lynda has over 20 years experience helping people achieve their weight loss dreams, give her a call for more info: 07799 892782

Check out the website for meetings in other areas: www.beeweighed.co.uk

Emotional Wellbring Group supported by Mid-Cheshire Mind

Every 2nd Monday of each month

Frodsham Community Church, Main Street 1:30 - 2:30pm

Open to anyone over 18

Come along to chat - relaxed and informal.

Find out about support services available & coping strategies for stress and anxiety.

More information call: 01606 863305

Support group at Main St Community Church for people with Memory Problems and their Carers.

Wednesdays 10am - 2pm.

We provide support, activities, chances to learn or retain skills and build new relationships.

A valuable resource for carers, providing advice and guidance, and an opportunity to relax and be themselves.

A light lunch is also provided.

Rehearsals every Thursday 7:30pm at St Paul’s Church Helsby

No auditions, no age limits, all welcome

Contact Gary O’Neil for more information:


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Wednesdays 9am - 11am

A Chance to Meet, Chat and Share

Information, Support and Advice Available

Refreshments Provided

Toys and Games for Children

Free Entry

Methodist Church, Kingsley Road, Frodsham, WA6 6BA

Date : Wednesdays in term time

Start time : 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Age : 11 – 17 years

Venue : The Boshaw Centre, Former CP School, Dunham on the Hill, WA6 0LX

Dunham on the Hill & Hapsford Community Project Ltd.

Registered Charity Number 1122993 

Free course for all ages and experience

Monthly meetings (first Wednesday @ 8pm)

Helsby Community Sports Club

For more details contact Neil Barlow on 07792939054

with Helsby Running Club member, Jane Ashbrook

Monday 9.30am Castle Park Arts centre Frodsham:
Introduction to interval and speed training, suitable for beginners of all levels.

Fun and varied session within the park.

Wednesday 6.30pm Helsby Sports Club:
4-5mile easy run 10-12 min mile pace. Supervised run that can accommodate different levels of beginners, but need to be able to run for at least 3 miles.

The groups are good fun and involve a lot of chatting and few laughs when we’re not too out of breath!!

Suitable for men and women over 16. 

Frodsham Community Centre

“Friendly, supportive classes”

Elementary – Thurs 1-3pm

Intermediate – Thurs 7-9pm

Phone now to book: Ruth 01928 739534

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Main Street Community Church, Frodsham – arrive 7.15 for 7.45pm

The Society meets at 7.45 pm on the first Monday in the month (or, the second Monday if the first is a Bank Holiday). The Society has a membership of approximately 70 and we welcome new members and visitors to all our indoor meetings.

Programme of Spring meetings 2024

  • 5th February - Cheshire maps and map-makers by Jonathan Peplar
  • 4th March - Place-names and field names: a source for local history by Toby Bostock
  • 8th April - The history of Ness Gardens by Edward Hillditch
  • 13th May - We don’t want any - Master’s not in. What really happened on Census night by Claire Moore

Annual Membership costs £5.00 (paid in January), plus £2.00 at each meeting you attend. The charge for visitors is £3.00 and includes refreshments.

For further details see website: frodshamhistory.org.uk or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 7:30pm at Frodsham Community Centre - Annual General Meeting followed by a talk by a member of The National Trust from Attingham Hall

Entrance fee £3. New members always welcome, for further details please ring Margaret Westwood on 01928 497029 or just turn up to one of our meetings

All talks are held in Frodsham Community Centre at 7.30pm.

It is not necessary to be a member of the National Trust to join our outings or attend meetings.

The 2022 - 2023 season begins on Monday 4th September. The Welcome meeting will be held at Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane at 7:30pm.

On the third Monday of each month the meetings will be held at the Community Centre, most other meetings will be held via Zoom.

Each month there will be a presentation given by an external speaker, an internal competition judged by an external judge and Members’ Evenings.

Membership is open to all who have an interest in photography, whether beginner or more advanced, young or more mature.

Further information can be found on our website: www.frodsham.photos

Are you visually impaired?

Do you know someone who is?

If so you are invited to join our club.

We meet in Helsby on the 2nd Tuesday of every month 2pm - 4pm

Why not come along for a chat & entertainment, cup of tea & biscuits and the occaisional outing.

Volunteer carers and taxis provided.

New friends are waiting to meet you.

Contact: 01928 723845

At the Parish Hall, Church Street, Frodsham

Every Thursday 10am - 12 noon

Tea, coffee and biscuits

And a very warm welcome.

All free and all are welcome.

Join us for a soup and cake lunch on the last Thursday of every month, from 12 noon. All free and all are welcome

A friendly local chess club to help you learn how to play. An ideal place to improve your chess or even learn from the beginning.

All players welcome.

Our Season is from Monday 5th September to May.

We meet weekly on Mondays from 19.30 to 22.30.

Our Juniors meet on the 1st Monday of every month from 18.15 to 19.15pm.

FCC also competes in the Chester & District League.

Frodsham Community Centre,
Fluin Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7QN
07816 200512, Club Secretary, Pat Ridley
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Films are shown at the Frodsham Community Centre,
Fluin Lane, Frodsham WA6 7QN at 7:30 pm

New Season starts Thursday 12th September 2024

Our first film is ‘One Life’ a true story on the evacuation of children during world war 2

All films start at 7:30pm at Frodsham Community Centre

Membership is £25 per person which entitles you to view all 8 films. Guests are welcome at £8 per film

To become a Member or attend as a Guest, please contact the membership secretary:
Frank Hough 01928 731712
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Committee is pleased to announce the resumption of monthly meetings.

Trip to RHS Bridgewater Gardens on September 18th 2023 - £15
Coach leaving from Frodsham Community Centre at 9.30am and returning at 3pm

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01928 565600

Meetings are held in Frodsham Community Centre, starting at 7.30pm.

Annual membership £15, Non – members £4

Frodsham Junior Football Club invites boys & girls in Reception Year (aged 5 – 6) to join us at our Sunday Academy Sessions.

These sessions, lead by FA Qualified and DBS checked coaches, are held Sundays, 11am – 12noon, on the astro at Frodsham Leisure Centre.

All abilities are welcome and the sessions are all about having fun.

If your child is interested in football and you are looking for them to play in a fun, safe and organised environment please bring them along. Simply turn up with a drink, appropriate footwear and shin pads. Each session is only £2 per player.

For more details contact: Steve Jones: 07393 384 770 | frodshamjfc.org.uk | @FrodshamJFC

Interested in joining Ladies Circle? Ladies Circle is a great club for 18 – 45 year olds and is all about friendship, having fun and doing a bit of fundraising along the way. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. Why not give it a try?

For more information: www.ladiescircle.co.uk/frodsham
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As well as borrowing books, audio books and DVDs and using the internet, customers can access other council services and advice such as Customer Services and Skills and Training.

Regular activities:


Under fives story and rhyme time 2pm - 2.30pm, weekly in term time.

IT Buddy 2pm - 5pm, weekly. Informal one-to-one basic IT support, including help with smartphones, tablets and iPads. Drop in basis only.


Adult Colouring Club 2-3pm, fortnightly. Feeling stressed? Want to relax? Come along to our colouring group and unwind.


Opal coffee morning, open to all. 10.30am - 11.30am, weekly. Crafts on the first Thursday of each month.

Book Groups: Every second Thursday of the month 5.30pm - 6.30pm. Contact the library for details of the current book.


Online Basics Course - Starts again in September. 10am - 12 noon, weekly. Free basic IT tuition courses ranging from keyboard and mouse skills to internet and email and help with smartphones, tablets and iPads. Sessions can be booked.


Lego Club - all ages welcome. Every other Saturday 10.30am.


Telephone: 01244 977 345

A lunch club is held on the first Wednesday of the month at our Church Hall on Kingsley Road, Frodsham, WA6 6BA.

The ‘soup and pudd’ lunch is served at 12.30pm prompt, with doors open to welcome you from 12 noon. Whilst tea and coffee is served, we have an informal ‘fun quiz’. The suggested donation towards lunch costs is £3.

If you would like to come along and join us, you will be made very welcome, so why not give it a try?

To find out a little more, or to reserve a place, please ring the co-ordinator, Marg Jacks on 01928 732067.

You can see more about our Church activities by visiting our web site at: frodshammethodist.org

Community Centre, Frodsham at 7.45pm

We are a friendly long established group which meets once a month, September to May each year on a Friday evening at Frodsham Community Centre.

Our events start at 7.45pm and end by 10pm. You may choose to have a seasons membership for £16.00 a year or to attend a single session at the cost of £10.00

For further information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meet at The Arts Centre in Gallery 1 on a Wednesday Evening 7.30 - 10pm

2nd Feb, 16th Feb and every 2 weeks thereafter

A small charge of £2 is made to cover costs.

Players and non-players are all welcome

Held at the Conservative Club, Main St. Frodsham.

The Bingo is a social evening and there is a raffle. Bingo starts at 8.00pm and finishes about 9.45pm.

We look forward to meeting some new people.

01928 731493

Rehearsals Every Tuesday 8pm – 9.30pm

At Frodsham Silver Band Hall, Greenfield Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7AQ

Brand New Training Band

Tuesday's 7.15pm – 8.00pm

All ages and abilities welcome, just £1 a week.

Training and instruments provided if required.

For info email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rehearsals / Practices

We practise every Saturday morning at Frodsham Community Centre from 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. There are no auditions – just come along and try us out! You will receive a very warm welcome.

For more information please get in touch or just come along to rehearsals

Our email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web: frodshamsings.org

New Season Starts 4th September 2024

Wednesday September - April Helsby Methodist Church

7:30 - 9:30pm

Beginners Welcome

For more information contact Margaret on 0787 031 4201 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or visit our website frodshamscottishdancing.wordpress.com

Friday evenings 5pm-10pm

A range of different social activities for young people aged 10-18.

We also run Duke of Edinburgh Award, school holiday activities and other social, wellbeing and life skills groups.

Hall hire also available.

Please visit https://www.facebook.com/frodshamya/
Or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Bereavement Peer Support Group provides a space for people grieving from a bereavement, loss or difficult transition in their lives. All of us volunteers have experienced loss, and this shared experience is what makes this group special. We are all trained as STAR volunteers and thus Sharing, Talking And Remembering is at the heart of what we offer.

We create a safe space for you where we listen and share stories and experiences with others who have also experienced loss in their life.

The group does not offer formal therapy or counselling because we know that for a lot of people, their biggest need is to just speak to others who have gone through something similar.

We meet on the first Monday of the month starting on 2nd October, from 1-3pm in the Parish Hall, Church Street, Frodsham WA6 6PN. We are not a drop-in session and need to know it you plan to attend. So please phone us first on 07498 545450 to book a session or for more information.

Every Friday morning 10am - 12 @ Frodsham Library


Are you wondering what’s so important about being online
and how it can benefit you?

This is a FREE drop in for anyone wanting to learn how to use the internet.

New Start, New Skills, New You

Unlock a world of opportunities by getting online.

Frodsham Library, Princeway

01244 977 345

Open to all girls currently in primary school years 1, 2 OR 3.

Every Friday 6pm - 7pm @ Frodsham Community Centre (Bottom Field)

Contact: Chris Jennings: 07913210504
or Andy Loyden: 07590847823

for further details.

The griffin trust is the name

Restoration is our aim... Interested?

The Griffin Trust is dependent on a group of self-motivated volunteers, giving their time freely on a regular basis.

For more details please contact

0151 327 4701 or 07745873491

Registered charity No. 702864

Habitats and Hillforts is a new project focusing on the chain of historically important hill top Iron Age forts that lines Cheshire's Sandstone Ridge, including our very own hillfort at the top of Helsby Hill.


Harmers Wood is a nine acre woodland not far from Helsby Hill, open all year round to the public for walkers, runners and rock climbers. Located off Hill Road North.

Our website is www.harmerswood.org

2023/2024 Season

Come and join a friendly group of people enjoying Scottish Country Dancing on Monday evenings at 7.30pm, Helsby Community Centre

Beginners welcome / Tuition given

Just turn up on the night, with soft shoes or trainers, or ring for more information.

Phone: 01352 754102 or 01928 722554

Welcome to Comfy Corner

This little oasis is situated within Helsby Health Centre and can provide a welcoming, comfortable and non-clinical setting where you can meet patients. It has been established to allow groups and organisations to come to the Practice and have a display, maybe have a 1:1 with interested patients and to develop closer links with the Primary Care Team and voluntary sector.

If your organisation would like to have a presence at the venue, whether it be monthly, weekly or however often you would like, please contact Lesley Gardner (Secretary of the PPG) who will arrange a time for you to visit.

We can offer you a warm welcome and a cuppa.

Contact Lesley Gardner
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rehearsal Wednesday 6.45 - 8.00pm

At St Pauls Church, Helsby

New brass / woodwind players welcome

Any age or ability

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for info

Are you interested in playing indoor bowls?

We meet every Wednesday morning from September - March at Helsby Community Centre.

If you would like to know more about the club and membership please contact Graham on 07875693467

As well as borrowing books, audio books and DVDs and using the internet, customers can
access other council services and advice such as Customer Services and Skills and Training.

Regular activities:


Jigsaw Mindfulness For Adults 5.30pm – 6.30pm, weekly. Jigsaws are a great way to exercise your cognitive skills, improving memory, honing coordination and developing critical thinking.


Adult Colouring Club 11am - 1pm, weekly. Join us for a cuppa and a colour. Great for relaxing and de-stressing. Colouring sheets and pencils provided or bring your own.

Rhymetime Wednesdays 2.15 pm - 2.45pm, weekly. Join us for stories and rhymes for under five's. Term time only.


Helsby Opal Club now has room for new members!

We open every Thursday at Alvanley Village Hall 10am-2pm

We offer a fun day filled with activities, a hot homemade dinner and plenty of tea and chat! Transport can be provided if needed.

If you would be interested in joining us, you are over 70 and would welcome the opportunity to get out and socialise more, please contact Zoe Blocksidge, Club Organiser on 07562 619 275

Also Volunteer Drivers Urgently Required

We provide group coaching for Juniors from beginners to the more advanced, plus coaching sessions for adults who have perhaps played in the past and wish to return to the courts and for those of us who want to improve, however good we might think we are!

We also run Ladies Evenings and Saturday coaching.

Absolute beginners are always welcome to join us, whether adults or children.

Try Before You Buy!

Please come along as a visitor a few times to see if you like us. Contact our coach Mike Herd on 07527908808 to find out the best time to come.



Do You Care About Your Local Community?
Are You Public Spirited?
Want To See Helsby A Better Place to Live In?

The Helsby Village Action Group have recently consulted about the next Phase of the Village Plan and after analysing the results have decided that the following list of Projects will be pursued.


  • Do you enjoy a good sing?
  • Ever fancy joining a male choir?
  • We are looking for new members!

Our rehearsals are open to anyone who to have a go. No auditions or voice tests - Just a love of music and singing.

Rehearsals every Tuesday at 7.30pm at Frodsham Community Centre
Tel: Frank on: 01244 382673 or 07305 681 572

Inner Wheel is an International organisation for women. Our aim is to promote friendship and encourage personal service via social meetings and fundraising for local and international charities.

Our Frodsham and Helsby Club meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 7pm.

We’d be delighted to welcome new members from any age group.

So, if you feel like making new friends, having fun and “giving something back to your community” then why not get in touch with the Secretary by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

OPAL is an award winning charity that supports older people in rural west Cheshire

We are looking for volunteer cooks for OPAL Frodsham and Helsby to prepare a traditional cooked lunch for 10-15 of our members at clubs on a Tuesday or Thursday.

Volunteering can be fortnightly or monthly.

Get in contact to find out more:
Janet Handley
Phone no : 07592 464856
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Warm Invitation ...

We warmly welcome anyone to come and try our monthly Lunch Club. We meet for a couple of hours on the first Wednesday of each month in Frodsham Methodist Church Hall from twelve noon, eating at 12.30.

Our light lunch of home-cooked soup and a pudding is followed by a quiz over coffee.

We have space for new folk to join us, so if you know of anyone who is on their own and may appreciate the chance to get out and have some lunch with us, please give me a ring on 01928 732067, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I can give a bit more information.

There is no set price for lunch, but a suggested donation of £3 to cover our costs would be welcomed, although not necessary. We may be able to help with transport locally.

I’m happy to visit anyone who would like to join us to introduce myself. We would love to see some new faces joining us for what is a good chance to relax and enjoy a bit of company.

Marg Jacks
(on behalf of the Lunch Club team)

Frodsham Methodist Church,
Kingsley Road, Frodsham WA6 6BA

Anyone in North Cheshire affected by lymphoma, myeloma or leukaemia now have access to extra support. Lymphoma Action, the only charity in the UK dedicated to this particular type of blood cancer, has a support group in Frodsham that meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, 6pm to 7.30pm.

Hosted by Lymphoma Action, the group meets at The Forest Hills Hotel, Frodsham and is open to anyone affected by a diagnosis of lymphoma, myeloma, leukaemia or any other blood cancer. You don’t have to be the person diagnosed in order to attend; friends, family members and colleagues of people with blood cancer are all welcome.

Karen Bonell, Lymphoma Action’s Regional Development Manager in the North, said “I’m so pleased that to have this support group in the North Cheshire area. Many people say to us they felt isolated by their blood cancer diagnosis and that their support group is a lifeline. As well as meeting others with similar experiences, it’s a chance to hear from informative speakers and join interesting discussions – all in a safe, supportive and welcoming environment.”

Anyone interested in attending can contact Karen on:
07710 393 891 for an informal chat or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find out more about lymphoma and the charity’s support groups and other services at www.lymphoma-action.org.uk


From 9.30am to 10am there is a meeting, organised by Churches Together in Frodsham, in the lounge (entrance at the side of the building, in Chapelfields) to pray for the local community.


Coffee Morning
Planning to restart on 7 October from 9.30am to noon for drinks.
The Coffee morning is run by people from several of the churches in Frodsham and held on most Thursdays, the market day in Frodsham, from 9.30am to noon for the purchase of coffee and tea.

New Horizons
Once a fortnight on Thursday from 1.30pm to 3pm, folk from several of the Frodsham churches provide the “New Horizons” group at Main Street Community Church for any who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The group enjoys tea and a chat. Next meeting 30 September.

Friday Friendship

Once a fortnight, Friday Friendship meets at Main Street Community Church from 1.30pm to 3pm on Friday afternoon.

Come and make friends, have tea, take part in a planned activity, chat, and have fun. The organisers ask for a donation of £2 towards their costs. The next meeting is on 8 October.

Do just come along or ask one of the Church’s leaders or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if this interests you.

Every Wednesday, drop-in from 10:30am - 2:30pm at Main Street Community Church in Frodsham

We would love for anyone who is impacted by memory loss or dementia, including carers & loved ones to join us & there will be free refreshments available.

If you would like more information, call Lesley on 07799 266380.

For regular updates follow us on Facebook, search ‘Main Street Memory Cafe’.

Manley Village Hall has a newly elected Management Committee. We are eager to revitalise the fortunes of our community’s central meeting place.

We aim to improve the facilities and increase its use. Please support in any way you can.

Chairperson: Ian Milburn (01928740064)
Secretary: Ruth Frood (01928 740365)
Bookings and Treasurer: (Liz Toombs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Acting Chair: Ian Walton (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Elaine Pinnington (01928740305)
Harry Gorse (01928740617)
Vinnie O’Brien (01928740830)

Our monthly Sunday Afternoon Group at St Laurence Parish Church

On Sunday 8th January 2023 at 3pm
Then 5th February, 5th March and 2nd April

Crafts, Fun, Friendship, Worship and Snacks!

Family Group - children to bring an adult please!

Are you interested in walking the hidden paths of Cheshire?

There are many footpaths off the beaten track waiting to be discovered!

Our Society aims to keep the footpaths in the Cheshire countryside open and accessible, and to help look after and protect the Public Rights of Way.

We have printed many local walks booklets, among them the Delamere Way, Longster Trail and Baker Way. We have also created a new long distance path , the North Cheshire Way, which runs from Lyme Park to Chester, passing through Frodsham and Helsby, signed NCW on local fingerposts. We have published a guide book with the route and points of local interest to accompany the NCW.

All of these publications are for sale in Helsby and Frodsham Post Offices, and at Castle Park Arts Centre.

Regular walks are organised in Cheshire, and a friendly welcome awaits you.

Why not join us for a walk and meet us?

Please see our website www.mcfs.org.uk or Tel 01928 723886

On Wednesday, 21st August at 2.30pm there will be a car outing to Chorlton Hall, Backford, CH2 4BJ for a tour of the house and gardens. Cost £8 to include light refreshments and a donation to the Hospice of the Good Shepherd.

You do not need to be a National Trust member to join in our activities.

Contact Vanessa: 0151 336 2156 or Carole: 01928 723389
Or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



If you’re looking for a new interest or friendly group to join, One Voice Choir may be what your looking for. We sing a wide range of music from rock and roll to pop and music from the musicals and are singing a few festive numbers too.

The aim is to promote health and well-being. All ages are welcome and we hope to develop strong friendships in the community and bonds between family members.

One Voice meets at Frodsham Community Centre on Mondays at 6:15 pm for refreshments, and rehearsal starts at 6:45 to 8:15 pm. For further details please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR just turn up and join in the fun.

Are you retired and looking for new social contacts?

Would you like to join a Probus Club in Frodsham?

Probus is a club for retired or semi-retired men who enjoy meeting monthly to maintain and make friendships. We are always keen to welcome new members coming from Frodsham, Helsby, Runcorn and the surrounding villages.

Monthly meetings take place at the Frodsham Community Centre, starting at 10am, and lasting about two hours. There is usually a guest speaker covering a wide range of topics of general interest.

Regular social activities are open to all members and their wives/partners including long and short walks, golf, theatre visits, trips to museums and occasional holidays. There are also meals-out including our Annual Dinner, less formal meals at local restaurants and pubs, and specific “ladies’ lunches” for members wives/partners.

Although club membership is restricted to men, the wives/partners of club members and widows of former members are actively encouraged to participate in these social activities.

If you are interested in learning more, or attending a meeting to see if it is for you contact us on:-

Overton Hill Probus
Secretary 07484 249 619
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday nights 7.30 - 9.00pm at Churchhill Hall

We are a friendly group who meet each week singing a variety of different styles in a relaxed environment.

Churchill Hall, Cooper Street, Runcorn, WA7 1DH

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details

We put the fun in flying!

Ever fancied learning to fly model aircraft? We are a friendly club who fly every weekend on Helsby marsh.

We offer free tuition and are looking for new members.

Visit us at: www.rmamodelflyingclub.co.uk

Call Paul: 01244 346179
or Bill: 01928 732715

Helsby and District Caledonian Society invite you to join us for SCOTTISH DANCING

In Helsby Community Centre on Monday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Beginners welcome - tuition given



Trinity Methodist Church, Main St, Halton Village, Runcorn, WA7 2AT

9.30am, 5.30pm & 7.00pm (7pm group starts 5th Jan)



Kings Church, Chester Road, WA6 6XR

8.30am & 10.00am


Tel: Hayley 07742 792264

First Saturday of each month, 10am at the Parish Hall, Church Street, Frodsham

Home made cake stall, extensive bookstall and good company.

Do come and join us!




The fertilizer building will be open on saturday mornings from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon

February 11th to 29th July 2023 and then from 2nd to 30th September 2023

Subscription: £2.00 per annum

For further information contact:

David Temple
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
01928 722181

Or Keith Hinkley
01928 722161

If you would like a free price list, please call in for one and look at our stock at the same time.

The fertilizer building (“The Hut”) is at the back left corner of RSK car park, off Mountain View, WA6 0BE

The Tuesday Club meet every week in Helsby Community Centre from 2pm - 4pm.

There is a very varied programme to suit everyone. Speakers, games, occasional bingo, outings and of course a cup of tea and biscuits.

Transport laid on.

No need to be lonely with nothing to do or nowhere to go.

Come and try it out for a few weeks.

Our Wednesday Morning Group at St Laurence Parish Church

Meeting at 10am every Wednesday during term-time from 11th January 2023

A short service with a story and songs for babies and pre-school children followed by refreshments and a time to chat and to play in our children’s area.

Volunteer today!

Telephone Befriending

Lockdown 3 getting you down?

Got some time free each week to make a call?

Ready to give back and make a difference to older people in rural West Cheshire?

We are looking for new volunteers to make friendly telephone calls to our members once a week.

If this sounds like you, get in touch today to find out more...

Contact Janet Handley

Phone number 07592 464856

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find us on facebook

To Advertise

Contact us now on
01928 209 544

Advertiser Pack

advertiser information pack image link

 The independant directory of businesses serving Helsby, Frodsham and surrounding areas