We are a small school with a big heart, located at the heart of Kingsley Village. Our school really is a special place to learn. All staff work tirelessly to share care beyond the classroom for every child. Excellent relationships exist with our pupils, parents, governors, the church and our community;
Pupils attend a welcoming, caring and nurturing school OFSTED 2023
Children learn best when they are happy, safe and secure. Living life in all its fullness is a priority for all in our school.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievement. As a result of the well-designed and well-implemented curriculum pupils achieve well. OFSTED 2023
Our highly effective early years team ensure your three-year-old (nursery) and reception child has the very best start to their education with a fun, caring and nurturing curriculum. Our on-site Buddies club offers wrap-around care for all pupils at Kingsley St John's. Buddies sessions run daily, Monday to Friday, from 7:30 am to 8:45 am before school and from 3:15pm to 6:00pm after school, we offer an early pick-up option at 4:30pm
Please enjoy a browse through our website to find out more about the school, staff, children, the caring Christian ethos, the wide range of activities with which our school engages and the high-quality education we are committed to deliver for every child.
We welcome visits anytime to see our children love, learn, aspire and achieve.
01244 738434
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