New services in Frodsham Helsby and Elton

Employment Support Link Worker

The employment support pilot scheme aims to provide emotional and practical support to individuals registered with a GP surgery in the Frodsham, Helsby, and Elton areas who have been affected by employment-related issues due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

The Employment Support Link Worker can provide practical support in the form of job searches, CV and cover letter review and writing guidance, interview skills, creating a vocational profile to help understand a person’s skills and strengths, along with identifying any possible barriers on the road to employment.

The Employment Support Link Worker can also provide information and advice on employment rights, in-work, and job seeker benefits, signpost to other agencies to provide more specialised support.

By providing this service to those struggling with unemployment-related issues, we feel we can empower those accessing the service to achieve positive outcomes to their employment issues and as a result improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Aged 18 - 65
  • Registered with a GP surgery in Frodsham, Helsby, or Elton
  • Been made unemployed/redundant within the last 12 months
  • Seeking paid employment
Bereavement Support Link Worker

The bereavement support service aims to provide non-medical, emotional and practical support to individuals registered with a GP surgery (currently only available in the Frodsham, Helsby and Elton areas) who have been bereaved within the last 12 months.

Our Bereavement Support Link Worker offers support and guidance to people who have recently been bereaved and feel that they may benefit from bereavement support. Offering practical support and information, linking people into their local community and accessing services that may be of benefit i.e. financial, work related, housing, benefits signposting, social isolation.

We also offer emotional support and a listening ear in your own home or at your GP surgery.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Aged 18+
  • Registered with a GP surgery in Frodsham, Helsby or Elton
  • Been bereaved within the last 12 months

This service is not an emergency contact but we will be with you as soon as we can.

Wellbeing Support Service

The Wellbeing Support Service aims to provide non-medical, emotional and practical support to individuals registered with a GP surgery (currently only available in the Frodsham, Helsby and Elton areas).

Our Wellbeing Link Worker supports local residents to improve their health and wellbeing by working alongside the Wellbeing team and Primary Care staff. Working closely with local organisations, groups and services to reduce social isolation and tackle community issues as part of the community asset provision of support by assisting individuals to attend groups or services and promoting local partner agencies.

The Wellbeing Link Worker supports individuals to build personal resilience in self managing their health and wellbeing through assessment and review of individual needs, development of wellbeing plans and motivating behavioural change.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Aged 18+
  • Registered with a GP surgery in Frodsham, Helsby or Elton
  • Recently been discharged from hospital

If you feel you would benefit from this service referrals can be made by GP surgery staff, social workers, any other healthcare professional, community and voluntary sector organisations, housing associations and self-referral.

You can visit to submit an enquiry form or speak to your GP surgery.

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